How Hormones Affect Your Health & Weight

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You might be brimming with motivation right about now– which is fantastic if you’re like the millions of Americans who buy brand-new health club subscriptions in the winter time! Ride that wave of self-control. Yet it’s not merely what you consume as well as the amount of time you work out that matters; recognizing your hormones and also ways to deal with them is a massive part of weight-loss success.

Are hormones affecting you? Did you know there are natural solutions out there to balance your hormones! In this article we will discuss how hormones affect your health, the 4 primary hormones in woman, 3 natural options for taking charge of your hormones, and some action steps you can take. It’s never too late to take a step toward being healthy!

how hormones affect your weight

What Effect Can Hormones Have? 

Did you know that there is a worldwide acceleration of female development? A growing percentage of girls are beginning breast development and hitting puberty by age 7. There is an astounding worldwide decline in testosterone and a decrease in males being born. Over 80% of American women are experiencing hot flashes and debilitating symptoms during pre/post menopause. It goes without saying we are in a state of hormonal imbalance.

A key problem is that we are living in a world of toxicity. Since WWII, between 75,000 to 80,000 new synthetic chemicals have been released into the environment. There are over 400 synthetic chemicals in the average human body, and newborns have been reported to have over 200 toxins in their umbilical cord blood.

Do You Have A Hormonal Imbalance? 

Just what are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance? Most common imbalance is excess estrogen with too little progesterone. They include: PMS, hot flashes, insomnia, bloating, weight gain, depression, food cravings, low energy, mood swings, headaches, anxiety, joint pain, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, etc. Estrogen dominance can lead to fibrocystic breast disease, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, cancer, and other major health concerns.

What Are Hormones? 

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the body telling cells what to do. Their balance is very intricate and needs to be at the correct level for your body to obtain optimum function.

hormone balance

What Are The Primary Hormones In Women? 

There are 4 primary hormones in women: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA.

What Is Estrogen?

Estrogen: (estriol, estrace, estradiol): Derived from cholesterol. It is a key hormone in sexual development and the reproductive system. High levels in the 1st half of menstrual cycle. It is responsible for the symptoms suffered during menopause. Where is it produced you may ask? It is produced within fat tissue, adrenal glands, and ovaries.

Estrogen circulates within the bloodstream, binding to estrogen receptors on targeted tissue cells in women. It affects breasts, bones, brain, heart and liver. It controls the growth of uterine lining and regulates metabolic processes such as bone growth and cholesterol levels.

There are so many women taking birth control pills that the estrogen from their urine is contaminating the rivers and lakes. Runoff from fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural areas acts like estrogen causing male fish to ovulate and have breeding inabilities.

What Is Progesterone?

Progesterone: Derived from cholesterol. It comes during the 2nd half of menstrual cycle. It balances estrogen. Progesterone is the first sex hormone to decline as a woman enters menopause. It stimulates new bone growth and influences immune system, stomach, heart & nervous system. It is needed for efficient function of thyroid hormones, which regulates burning fat.

Symptoms of low progesterone include: PMS type symptoms, such as breast tenderness, cramping, bloating, or menstrual bleeding irregularities, anxiety, insomnia, and volatile emotions.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone: Produced in ovaries & adrenal glands. It generates energy & less body fat. It increases lean body mass (bone growth, muscle development). It maintains a healthy libido (sexual interest). It improves mood & metabolism. It helps with normal ovulation and regular menstrual cycles. Adequate levels of testosterone also help women look, feel, and perform better from day to day.

What Is DHEA?

DHEA: Precursor to all hormones. Produced in the adrenal glands, gonads, and brain. It helps with Fat Burning, increases muscle mass, decreasing menopausal symptoms, and boosts the immune system. It is depleted under Stress.

Do Your Hormones Have You Frustrated?

Are you constantly battling that ‘out-of-balance’ feeling?
Below are 3 natural options for taking charge of your hormones once and for all!


Natural Option #1 Estrium

Estrium = Medical food, promotes optimal hormone balance

How it Works: Causes body to metabolism faster, eliminates excess estrogen and gets it out of your body: helps to detox estrogen!

Natural Option #2 Estrofactors

Estrofactors = Promotes healthy hormone balance in women of all ages by featuring targeted nutrients that support healthy estrogen metabolism and detoxification.

Supports women with estrogen-related health issues, improving PMS/perimenopause/menopause symptoms.

Beneficially influences estrogen receptor function for more balanced estrogenic activity.

Natural Option #3 Estrovera

Estrovera = A natural option providing ERr 731, a special extract of rhubarb, demonstrated in clinical studies to significantly reduce menopausal hot flashes compared to placebo.

These results are comparable to synthetic hormone therapies without the health risk. 75% decrease in median daily hot flashes! ERr 731 acts as a selective estrogen receptor modulator. Opens up ERbeta sites.

What Are Some Action Steps You Can Take:

• Buy organic meats and animal products
• Stop the No-fat diet…just start eating the RIGHT fats
• Get regular exercise
• Eliminate sugar (start checking ingredients list)
• Stress reduction
• Avoid environmental toxins (reduce Xenoestrogens)
• Incorporate supplements into your diet (multivitamin, omega 3’s, probiotics)
• Start balancing your estrogen/progesterone levels with natural options
• Get adjusted regularly to reduce subluxations!

Changing habits isn’t easy, but it’s important to make a long-term investment in you and your family’s health. What we women do today to take care of our bodies will enhance our quality of life in the future.

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