How Can I Strengthen My Shoulder?

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  • Secure the band at medium height on your side and grab the handle with the hand closest to it in front of you
  • Upper arm pressed against your abdomen and elbow bent.
  • Pull the handle in towards your abdomen and allow it to slowly return after a short pause.
  • Keep your upper arm pressed against your abdomen and elbow bent throughout. (10-15 reps)


  • Secure the band at medium height on your side and grab the handle with the hand furthest from it in front of you,
  • Upper arm pressed against your abdomen and elbow bent.
  • Pull the handle out away from your abdomen and allow it to slowly return after a short pause.
  • Keep your upper arm and the angle in your elbow still throughout. (10-15 reps)

The “W”

  • Lift your arms up to form a “W” shape like the picture above (with your thumbs pointing backwards). This will bring your shoulder blades closer together.
  • Squeeze the shoulder blade together for 15-20 seconds.
  • Repeat 3x/day

The “L”

  • Bring your elbows down from the “W” position so that each arm forms an “L” shape coming out from your body at a 90 degree angle.
  • Keep your palms up and thumbs pointed back.
  • Squeeze and hold for 15-20 seconds
  • Repeat 3x/day

Is that shoulder still bugging you? Can’t seem to get better even after trying everything?

Contact Oasis Chiropractic to find more and better options without the use of drugs or surgery. It could be the best phone call you’ll ever make!


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